moon: n.1.月,月球,月亮。 ★ 1. 语法上常作女性处理。 2. 形容词是 lunar。2.〔诗〕(一个)月,太阳月;〔诗〕月光;月状物,新月形物;(指甲的)甲弧影;卫星;(尤指)新月旗〔土耳其的国旗〕。3.〔美俚〕酒,私酿的威士忌酒。4.【天文学】月相。短语和例子a full moon 满月。 a new moon 新月。 a crescent moon 蛾眉月。 a bl
The three stone miniature pagodas standing in the lake off the isle are presumably the best place for moon viewing . these pagodas produce many magic views of the moon in the water , making people nostalgic and reminiscent of the woebegone days and happy moments in the past . on the night of the autumn moon festival , the isle and its three miniature pagodas are the best attraction for moon spectators 从岛北码头上岸,经过先贤祠等两座建筑,即步入九曲平桥,桥上有开网亭,亭亭亭,康熙御碑亭,我心相印亭四座造型各异的亭子,让人走走停停,歇歇看看,或谈笑,或留影,流连观照,饱览美景。